Recent content by Epithax

  1. Epithax
  2. Epithax

    Map Suggestion Remove Red Cross from Hospital sign

    As an member of the Red Cross i will sue you for that ugly volvo
  3. Epithax

    What do you drive?

    Welp, lets go First car: BMW 316I E46 Touring The second car i've owned was a BMW 530I E60 (i can't find a picture of that anymore) Third car was a BMW 330I E91 Fourth car was a BMW 340I M Sport F30 After that i had an Audi RS6 for shits n giggles, but sold it after like a year because...
  4. Epithax

    Where do you want to travel?

    I mean, you can find coffee shops all over the netherlands, and tbh, outside amsterdam they're quite a lot cheaper anyway
  5. Epithax

    Where do you want to travel?

    Places on my bucketlist are For the states: Fort Collins (Collorado), Tinton Falls (New Jersey), Baltimore(Maryland) as i've got friends there. I've been to turkey numerous times but the culture is great, so that's also on the list, Bonaire, Curaçao, spain, and Chile (as i heard the fire...
  6. Epithax

    Happy B-Day drunk men

    Happy B-Day drunk men
  7. Epithax


  8. Epithax

    $10m Giveaway and a goodbye

    My current car: My Nephew's car: The left one is my Grandpa's truck (which is a cop) and the right one is my nephew's (which is a volunteer firefighter)
  9. Epithax

    Fine, then i will

    Fine, then i will
  10. Epithax

    Congratulations on living yet another year

    Congratulations on living yet another year
  11. Epithax

    PLPD Montage

    like i said, stick to being cop
  12. Epithax

    Server Suggestion Blackjack table as org perk

    i'd say remove the 2nd poker table and make it the blackjack one, then make it so more people can go on the poker table, because when do you ever need the 2nd poker table
  13. Epithax

    Riekelt and draxen singing

    @Draxen and @Riekelt singing along with Michael Jackson
  14. Epithax

    Happ Birth Exnem

    Happ Birth Exnem
  15. Epithax

    Rule of the Month Introduction

    Do not forget the flying tow trucks you will get from this, specially if its towing for example an Ambulance, or TFU truck (for any reason what so ever)