Recent content by Experiment626

  1. Experiment626

    giveaway ok

  2. Experiment626

    PERPHeads Staff Team Easter Giveaway

    ooo would be nice to win im in :)
  3. Experiment626

    Thank you all for the birthday wishesss

    Thank you all for the birthday wishesss
  4. Experiment626


  5. Experiment626


    My reason is that you mugged us earlier and that was the first time i have seen you since
  6. Experiment626

    Cant play Perp? someone help please.

    So everytime i join perp im in the server for like 3 seconds then my gmod just closes with no message or anything, anyone know how to fix? ive tried disabling all my addons apart from the perp ones, sooo confused.
  7. Experiment626

    "The server you are trying to connect to is running on an older version of the game" NEED HELP.

    @ICEKILLER_99 @Mango Cheers, do you know when that would be by any chance? or is it when he wants?
  8. Experiment626

    "The server you are trying to connect to is running on an older version of the game" NEED HELP.

    This comes up when i try and join perp, anyone know how i can fix this?
  9. Experiment626

    AR on Experiment626

    I have no justification for my actions they were wrong and im sorry, i promise it wont happen again.
  10. Experiment626


    Yo sup
  11. Experiment626

    Joining army, thoughts?

    Cheers Aaron and yeah i have been a roofer for 2 years now and i love it
  12. Experiment626

    Joining army, thoughts?

    Thank you so much for this man
  13. Experiment626

    Joining army, thoughts?

    I think after all of the support i have gotten from this community im gonna go for it but im going to leave this open as its nice to hear what people think. I thank you all. @Aquaa @Moon The Goon @Yaseen @Saint Wylde @KeiwaM @Exrobite @Piz @Synatec @blobvis 2.0 because even know your input wasnt...