Recent content by F0CUS0

  1. Rules.

    Well, I'm not here to protect myself or anything like that, but we've already talked with Swiper about this, no need for the whole community to spam another community. I thought this was suppose to be a friendly communnity;)
  2. M0R3TANK1NG Is to 100% the staff member of the year! Always sooo coooooooooooooool:D

    M0R3TANK1NG Is to 100% the staff member of the year! Always sooo coooooooooooooool:D
  3. Bye! - Steve Zaiger

    Hello everyone! I've been adicted to perpheads for over 1 year now it's an amazing gamemode, and awesome community. But I'm taking a break from perp, don't have any clue at all for how long or if I'll be back. I'm recently joined back to another clan/commuinity that I was in for about 1 year...
  4. Hicktown Hill Billy Applications

    Do you commit to this program? Yes/No SWAG Do you understand that our main guns are 'emington and emninteeneleven Yes/No YAAAS Do you have any education? (Hopefully no) Yes/No NOOOO I HOPE YOU ACCEPT ME !:))
  5. The Zaiger Family - NEW

    Organization Post Has been updated!!
  6. The Zaiger Family - NEW

    The Zaiger Family (TZF) A little about us: We are criminals We grow drugs We attack people We are dangerous We hate the government --------------------------------------------- More about us: We are right now a very strong organization we are almost 35 members that is active. We always base...
  7. The Zaiger Family - Applications

  8. 4 years? Boom headshot.

    Just to let you know that was an old post check the new one i did 1'hour before you answered ?;)
  9. 4 years? Boom headshot.

    -\+Neutral I've talked with both Ethan and Ozzain. They say totally different things but I actually think Ozzain tells the most thruth since he sad - I didn't see the phone on the screen so I though it was done, so he started speeding the demo up. Ethan said this to me on steam: - Finnan...
  10. The Zaiger Family - Applications

  11. Server Event: 22/11/14 | 4:00PM-8:00PM GMT | Saturday

    The HunerGames Event has been cancelled and will go down tomorrow(Sunday). TIME COOMING SOON!
  12. 4 years? Boom headshot.

    -New Post Below
  13. 4 years? Boom headshot.

    +/-Neutral, If what you are saying is true, I'm going to change this to an +Support for sure. Please Provoid an Demo ASAP; I would also like to have an demo of the WHOLE roleplay situation, from the start when you arrest him and after just to make sure if it will be an +Support or -Support...
  14. Ban Request WHOLE SWAT TEAM.

    Yes Swiper I'm VERY sorry for taking out an LARGE amount of anger on you but first I didnt even know you where there, secondary I thought you said it, sounded like you. And It sounded like it came from over my head, so first I was like ehm did Rutger just say that?, and yeah so on, It was an...