Recent content by Faulkner McGee

  1. Being Able to Rob Jewelry Stores

    +Support However, I think you should be able to rob the bank and jewelry store as a diversion, but you shouldn't be able to rob both stores at once.
  2. Stores close at a certain time (Idea)

    Another thing is that stores in real life close at night because noone buys stuff or is really out and about at 2am, however in PH people are. So if people will buy stuff, then the store would stay open.
  3. Stores close at a certain time (Idea)

    I definitely do not think this would work so well. It's a good concept, but as someone said before, on PerpHeads you don't sleep. You just continue your normal life. Having stores close would just be a major inconvenience with not much added to realism. Sure the stores will close like in real...
  4. Idea: Whitelisted Police

    Adding a Sergeant position, a whitelisted one, sounds great. However, making the entire police force whitelisted would, in my opinion, not be the best. It would make it even harder to make money in-game for those of us who don't want to pay $5 for VIP.
  5. Ban Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Faulkner McGee His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Max Dunwell His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:3481615 Reason: I held him at gunpoint, he then pulled a gun on me and shot me. Evidence: The demo. Check the last 10 or so minutes. File too big to upload...