Well i gave up on this i guess, No Creepis you will be able to talk with Filipé no problem there. But Creepis i can try to get him there, he has an absurd accent i give you that, but he speaks fine.
No that i know, and he said sorry, but in a very short way. He did say sorry, and it wouldn't happend again and so on, but he didn't get the ban away because he couldn't write the template very good ey? i Can do it for him using hes words in a better way, and he knows the rules, we wen't through...
yes i do no write god english, but i speak 100% perfect, since im working with the helicopter navigationsystem you need to speak english, so they force me live in New castle for 2 years, so me speak 100%, but i do no type,
We're a crew of 6 people, filleflowchamp is from Estonia hes not very good at spelling, and we're helping him, so please don't punish us for one accident...
Wow, i'm so amazed that you guys can pretend to be nice? i'm sitting here i joined your stupid little Teamspeak talk, and nothing happend? Even when you told me to do that, i wrote very clearly i was sorry! and my friends are sorry on my behaving also? what more should i do ?
ok you guys are very very rude right now, Can you link me to another Rp server ? That's not DarkRp? Since these admins won't unban me even when i said i was sorry,