Recent content by Fredy

  1. Fredy


  2. Fredy

    The Mathematics of Gambling - Public Awareness

    Most bazaar gambling tables have a return to player (RTP) of <60%. For comparison, the actual casino has an RTP of ~95% for the slot machines (and ~90% for the wheel). So the moral of the story should be to never gamble at bazaar. @rat now find me the return to player for this game:
  3. Fredy

    You're a weird freak

    You're a weird freak
  4. Fredy

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    We will limit the amount of TFU depending on player count.
  5. Fredy

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    It's harder to get into some of the PD things than become an actual cop.
  6. Fredy

    How much did @Aquaa pay you for your community award votes?

    How much did @Aquaa pay you for your community award votes?
  7. Fredy

    Cannot join

    A VPN might work if your IP is blocked by the server host, it should (hopefully) not be a permanent block though. Our host is having some issues at the moment so it might pass on its own, but you can use a VPN until then.
  8. Fredy

    Perpheads V6 Expectations

    Will there be a cinema finally????
  9. Fredy

    Ban Dispute (Aquaa)

  10. Fredy

    Ban Apology (Fredy/Admin Meeting)

  11. Fredy


    I wish we could call stupid people like yourself stupid to encourage you to get intelligent, but we all know that's not gonna happen.
  12. Fredy

    Happy Pride Month 2024!

    You know you are not forced to post in this thread how much you don't care about this particular thing? If you don't then feel free to move on and ignore the thread. We don't tell you to just keep it to yourself when you post about your mental health issues (and you do it a lot). In fact, I...
  13. Fredy

    Happy Pride Month 2024!

    Every single day you and others get to spam the forums with the most braindead forum posts and you don't complain, yet when it's a completely harmless post about pride month you do complain. Definitely not homophobic though.
  14. Fredy

    Current Server Issues

    As everyone knows, our current server provider has massive issues with DDoS attacks and network stability, which is leading to outages and weird bugs that never used to happen before. We already ordered a new server at a different host, which will be in London so the ping should be very good...