Recent content by Fryes

  1. Fryes

    $2 Million Dollar Giveaway!

    Merry Christmas and good luck to everyone entering :)
  2. Fryes

    PERPHeads Staff Team Easter Giveaway

    Good luck everyone
  3. Fryes

    PERPHeads Staff Team Christmas Giveaway

    Merry Christmas everyone
  4. Fryes

    Halloween Giveaway

  5. Fryes

    3 Month VIP Giveaway!!!

    Frappe STEAM_0:0:81693340
  6. Fryes

    Grats on enforcer

    Grats on enforcer
  7. Fryes

    Steam Christmas Giveaway!

    I've helper some sweatervest and then I have improved on not getting warned/banned as I did before. I know I have not been the most active person but I have still helped some persons
  8. Fryes

    VIP Giveaway!

    Merry Christmas everyone
  9. Fryes

    Christmas Premium Giveaway!

    Steam Name: Fryes Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81693340 A number 1-100: 38
  10. Fryes


    Welcome back, Alex.
  11. Fryes

    Some Humble Bundle giveaway

  12. Fryes

    Grats on enforcer

    Grats on enforcer
  13. Fryes

    RR for Alex

    I am posting this for Alex as he is banned Your in-game name: Alex Zaiger Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71196251 What do you need refunded: A walther ppk. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: A sweatervest tried to mug me in public (He gunpointed me, but as i was close to a wall i had a chance and...
  14. Fryes

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  15. Fryes

    CSGO Knives Thread

    I had a karambit stained that I traded up to but I then thought to myself that I could do something fun with the money that my knife was worth instead of just having a skin in my inventory, so I sold it. To everyone out there that want to buy knives to a game, Don't do it. //Phone