Recent content by GhostFanta

  1. GhostFanta

    PerpHeads Legacy Server

    Holy shit... This is what I have been waiting for.. Sign me up, and Fredy <3 We need to talk
  2. GhostFanta

    Applications for upcoming Action Series!

    In a long time i have been thinking about making a deep serious movie/series with the Perp Gamemode, I'm gonna need some people to help make this happen. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  3. GhostFanta

    No internet...

    We need a completely new one cause they closed it, Denmark in a nutshell.
  4. GhostFanta

    No internet...

    So our Internet company closed our Internet today cause of an old bill, wich we didn't know about. This means I have no idea when we get Internet again. We're going to the store to check up for new Internet and hopefully it won't be too long!
  5. GhostFanta

    A little game!

    A dog on two legs
  6. GhostFanta


    It's weird to see YOU leave Cactus, well, we had some good times together back in EvoCity. Goodbye mate :)
  7. GhostFanta

    A little game!

    Has a sexual intention for pears
  8. GhostFanta

    I am back

    As some of you already may know, I am back for more action on the server. I've really missed you guys and I hope to see the same kind of action as before. Sadly for me, most of the players I knew, Is not playing Perp anymore. I hope they return as I did, one day. :D
  9. GhostFanta


    Finally i Got my chance to write here. The reason I haven't been online these days (month) is, we have no Internet. I have no idea when we get Internet back, and we are going to move to a new house in for the next 3 months. So as said. I have no idea when we get Internet. - GhostFanta
  10. GhostFanta

    Suddenly this happened..

    Reminds me of Jeff The Killer...
  11. GhostFanta

    Selling cars yourself

    This has already been suggested before, and accepted. "" //Closed.
  12. GhostFanta

    paytime betwen each paycheck

    You get a paycheck every minute
  13. GhostFanta

    Type writer

    Please use the right template, or i'm gonna close it.
  14. GhostFanta

    Goodbye perpheads

    I have had my great times with you Ind, great times i wont forget. Hope you the best for your examinations, it was an honour to have you as Admins! :)
  15. GhostFanta

    Mikey (Also a bit to late)

    Smoke weed my Brother