Recent content by Goonsberg

  1. Goonsberg

    The easiest & fastest way to get 1 million perp cash

    Where did you bring it from?
  2. Goonsberg

    The easiest & fastest way to get 1 million perp cash

    Delete your message or I leak the clip
  3. Goonsberg

    The easiest & fastest way to get 1 million perp cash

    Buy it from @Pugga
  4. Goonsberg

    Game Crashing

    Memory = RAM Open Task Manager whilst on PERP and share a screenshot
  5. Goonsberg

    How come nobody uses the market stalls?

    Can’t sell guns at market stalls 7.7 Sale of Offensive Weapons A person does not commit an offence under articles 7.4 or 7.5 if the offensive weapon in question is stored or displayed within a property defined by the banks of Paralake City as being a Shop or Business. In addition to this, the...
  6. Goonsberg

    Can you create applications on whilst banned?

    just copy and paste it to a word doc if you wanna write it out. Kinda odd you wanna practice for 2 years time
  7. Goonsberg

    How to become a SO? (Senior Officer)

    Apply on Make sure you have some good recent ORs
  8. Goonsberg

    Server Suggestion Motorcycles

    source engine + 2 wheels = bad
  9. Goonsberg

    Police Suggestion Different Sirens (Without any custom downloads)

    Everyone wants different things. Make your own…..
  10. Goonsberg

    How to see the Point list reward

    Points are automatically given except trophies from Community Managers. To see what trophies you have, click your profile and click ‘points’. It will show you how many points, what you have achieved and what you are yet to achieve.
  11. Goonsberg

    What is your most succesful raid

    Bazzar shop 3 Real ones remember doors
  12. Goonsberg

    Im new here and reece martin is a revenge killer

    Jheeez, Reece Martin gonna be scared when you return in 2 weeks looking for that sweet revenge
  13. Goonsberg

    Server Suggestion Courier App Change

    F6 is the solution
  14. Goonsberg


    It’s just an alt account dw