Recent content by H0xton

  1. H0xton


    gonna have to win this one just like i did last year fr
  2. H0xton

    Organisation Leaderboard Reset

    ok but what are they getting.
  3. H0xton

    Permabanned giveaway

    Houston Daniels Free up milky
  4. H0xton

    PARALAKE V6 TRAILER / PERPheads 11 year anniversary

    coming soon... isnt that what they said at 10 year anniversary looks good tho
  5. H0xton


  6. H0xton


  7. H0xton

    Rule Changes and poll - 24/04/2024

    don't think I've ever scammed anyone but I feel like adding rules around that is a terrible idea unless its a new player only rule
  8. H0xton

    Allow the concealed carry of pistols citywide

    I think the guns are “too legal” as it already is, you can legally own 100 50cal snipers and automatic rifles in your home and vehicles, they’re getting sold like candy in public (bazaar) it would be more interesting if it was more restrictive to be honest, but then again I’d get pretty annoyed...
  9. H0xton

    Feels Bad Collier

    If a cop tells me “skill issue” irl Im going to jail for life
  10. H0xton

    Server Suggestion Gas syphon

  11. H0xton

    Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week Your Steam Name: Hoxton Your Roleplay Name: Houston Daniels Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:84471888 Why were you...
  12. H0xton


    apology for bad english where were u wen 24k triad was kil i was at house eating dorito when phone ring “24k triad is kil” “no”
  13. H0xton

    Server Suggestion Org perk to message the dealer to see someone's status.

    Other perk ideas 1.Being able to see how many cops are on and how many of them are TFU (or have access to TFU gear) 2.Being able to see someone's owned property / cars after you type in their name (would be rp'd similar as the warrant perk where a "pd snitch" gives out information) 3.Being...