Recent content by hrrya47

  1. hrrya47

    I'm from the amazing England Land as the Aussies call it

    I'm from the amazing England Land as the Aussies call it
  2. hrrya47


    Just wondering if it's alright for police to harass a medic over multiple hours for calling him a two year old in LOOC, trying to give him a ticket. That two year old is called Hinata or some shite - just a question
  3. hrrya47

    Good Luck On Your Examinations

    I thought AQA would completely fuck me over in computing today but it instead it was just a ton of writing - I can't relate to these OCR Land AND OCRFC memes. Someone explain.
  4. hrrya47

    Triad Application

    IC Name: Donald Doe OOC Name: IBasicallyDoStuff Owned Cars: Mini, Upgraded Grand Jeep Cherokee (Black) Previous orgs: Some Japanese org (I left to go to a better org) The Runners (They Died R.I.P) Current Monies: 150k Why I want to join/ What Can I Offer: I feel as if I can make an impact on the...