Recent content by Hyperlate

  1. Hyperlate

    Change to firefighters' cars

    Topic: Change to firefighters' cars Short explanation: -Add new car:"Tanker" Detailed description: Because It has big capacity of water. Optional additions: -Tank meter to fire fighting vehicles(not to the patrol car) -Tank filling spots to the town and fire department
  2. Hyperlate

    Happu birthday!

    Happu birthday!
  3. Hyperlate

    Happy haccing!

    Happy haccing!
  4. Hyperlate

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Screenshots.

    Does the DLC cost?
  5. Hyperlate

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  6. Hyperlate

    Dat profile picture

    Dat profile picture
  7. Hyperlate

    Binoculars for SWAT!

    +support really good for SWAT sniper because then you don't have to use scope to watch someone
  8. Hyperlate

    Every Cop In PERP

    #NOAIMBOT XD really funny
  9. Hyperlate

    It's my birthday!

    Well then Happy birthday: @Chris and @Mr. Revenge
  10. Hyperlate

    Hyperlate & Dylan Smith

    BTW I didnt drive the car
  11. Hyperlate

    Happy birthday!!!!

    Happy birthday!!!!
  12. Hyperlate

    Working PerpHeads Launcher

    Nice one dude really useful and gr8!
  13. Hyperlate

    Happy birthday adrenalinejamie!

    Happy birthday adrenalinejamie!
  14. Hyperlate

    Happy birthday Nurse pinkie

    Happy birthday Nurse pinkie
  15. Hyperlate

    Happy birthday Zanotic

    Happy birthday Zanotic