Sorry I reached the character limit of 420 characters. The piece is unisex, therefore has a woman modelling for it, hope it doesn't bother you much.
Also just noticed you recommended I choose the colour based on my skin tone/jewellery, ignore the comment about preferring gold above.
Ah yeah, a Derby might be the better choice here (cheaper too), thank you for shining light towards a different type of shoe. The watch is nice but I prefer gold. As for the top, I was thinking something casual, maybe this...
was thinking about getting something similar, can you recommend any other brands/shoes from this one?
could you also recommend any watches to pair them with?
ok let me look at the chat mid shootout :wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky:
this can be closed as apparently i have been lied to by the staff. this will be taken note of and i will be pushing for legal consequences.
I mean I'm not here to discuss my ban I was just using it to make a point but it's whatever
The person we are talking about here actually happens to be a Senior Officer but thanks for your input on the mic policy.
I was told by multiple staff members that you are supposed to surrender when you have a gun pointed at you, doesn't matter if you were ordered to or not.
I was also just banned for this as I looked at an officer pointing his weapon at me waiting for a command (which came through text but I...
Suggestion Topic: 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Suggestion Description: Currently, you have to immediately surrender whenever a gun is pointed at you (apparently)
I believe it wasn't enforced like this previously and you had to wait for a certain command, but I've been punished for stalling...
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @HuskyD0G
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks
Your Steam Name: mphf
Your Roleplay Name: Wokdon Brayden
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87262869
Why were you...
We had discussed raiding slums 1 previously but I decided to craft flashbangs first. Code Monkey unfortunately hadn't understood this and decided to place down the bomb without us being ready, due to this, I was a bit delayed in assisting the raid on slums 1 but I don't believe it makes any...