Recent content by J-WAB

  1. J-WAB

    Action Request

    i think so after the raid we ever really talked cuz he had to get off and i never friended him on steam
  2. J-WAB

    Action Request

    i was there but i didint place the bomb my friend did and my friend said we could raid 2 times in 60 mins so i trusted him and i dont know if it was true and i dont know how the people inside all died as i said my frined placed and mae the bomb he told me to wait down on regals 3 or at bottom...
  3. J-WAB

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Lucifer Brown Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73992271 What do you need refunded: 2Large Garden Pots 10coca seeds Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because my game crashed causing me to lose my items Evidence: Pls check logs Tick: