Recent content by Jagace

  1. Jagace

    A little game!

    And as Bob was high, he walked into a bar, and met an Icelandic strongman named Bjorn, who...
  2. Jagace


    I return, gib.
  3. Jagace

    A little speed game!

    rip in upload speed
  4. Jagace

    Perpheads war Thunder platoon

    Planes Tier 5 Britain, 3 jets; Meteor F. Mk 3, Sea Meteor F.Mk 3, Meteor F. Mk4 G.41F. And all the tier 4 fighters and bombers, and every plane before that. Tanks: None. Name: Jagace
  5. Jagace

    I think its time to call quits.

    Sad to see you go pepitoz, you were a great part of the community as an individual, good luck with pursuing your dreams. Don't forget that I fucking love helicopters.
  6. Jagace

    The Farm House

    Applications aren't working for me, May I join? :)
  7. Jagace

    Ethan Gets REKT

    Nasul, I had to flash bang you in there. Rip
  8. Jagace

    To all police...

    Nope, the office raid wasn't legitimate, just the fact that the Lt. couldn't listen as I told him that I was wanted as a result of sniping a SWAT officer in a raid earlier that day, which I died in. NLR would have just rattified that raid.
  9. Jagace

    Games For Iphone/Ipad

    Get an android phone, download Show Box. Get Piano tiles, test your skillz. Get the 9gag app, Get Real Racing 3, if your iPhone is good enough :) Leo's fortune looks like a good android platformer game, check it out.
  10. Jagace

    Mayors F3 System

    Taxes and salaries too, and should be done at a PC or some sort of terminal at his office as manner pointed out. Adds realism and an actual function for the office rather than it being a wasted empty space.
  11. Jagace

    Who said my Supra sucks?!?!

  12. Jagace

    Upcoming Server Update

    Dank Helicopters
  13. Jagace

    Los Zetas

    Hi guys, You're doing good as a starting organization, however, fuck with crescendo, and you'll find yourself on the wrong side of my M82. Best regards, Clark Thompson, Leader of Defence.
  14. Jagace

    Ban Request Lamar Carter and his friends

    You do know you were too distracted on getting Lamar out the car to give a shit about Clark, and It's pretty easy to incapacitate someone from behind, with a footlong machete.
  15. Jagace


    Muslims + drugs? Something doesn't seem right here...