jah ris

Hands under skinny little help from so dire amanecer taped up at night he goes he's nonnative it another attempt DVD crack the underside that ball hard I think he's got the power here Shred HDX if you get the angle he's going to have a pathname absolute gripping swept all incredibly hot and humid here we go I think I love Grafton I should have but I guess couldn't quite do it so his quest remains at four majors eighty so he goes Michael back in the United States Cup on tape this attack is anything like time demanded comment thank you going to go sailing over I'm Paso Heights I'm and his feet again %ah clue Super chunk when they've just raised the bar 26 me says la grace despite point 87 pieces with a 25 Q no wait that was done by mesh ka client back to South Africa three years ago but is 13 centimeters higher sadly we had to go that high to attend the world record West talk tonight is about to do it might but you is going into spasm I think on the whole your hot mica I'm good how did its job it's really hot here and I'm man I'm cramping bad I don't do I didn't drink enough what is .
Sep 28, 1985 (Age: 39)