Recent content by jake60538

  1. StephenPuffs can i talk to you in teamspeak

    StephenPuffs can i talk to you in teamspeak
  2. banned for rp

    got banned for 1 week for getting someone at gun point for hitting my car and then drove off i saw them and i got them at gun point and then they drove off so i shot their car and they got out and i had them at gun point and then hes friend gets his gun out and then i open fire and i kill them...
  3. Jake Finch Ban Request

    Its okay and @Yung Vuitton i got nothing against you when i was cop i arrested crescendo as well but i agree i should of took you to interrogation room. Im sorry if you felt like i was targeting you for your organisation.
  4. Jake Finch Ban Request

    I didn't do anything wrong there, Clark told me on the phone he called 911 and said... so and so assaulted me. He told me the description of the car and I came over and arrested you. So i was doing my job, I wasn't targeting you because your in a different org. So i think u might want to take...
  5. The Organization is closed

    Our organisation want's to meet up and maybe talk about becoming Allie's With the Los Zetas. There is more information about us on our page. Found here!
  6. Los Zetas

    Thank you for that, We would like you to give us the time and place of the meeting.
  7. Los Zetas

    Los Zetas We are here to protect our allies and grow Step in the way and face the...