Recent content by JARRE

  1. JARRE

    250k (weekly) racing event | FENTANYL YOGA SUNDAY RALLY

    don't worry i took 1 for the team today
  2. JARRE

    ok now i heard it that definetly doesn't sound like me tho

    ok now i heard it that definetly doesn't sound like me tho
  3. JARRE

    i literally cannot hear any describable words in that entire clip

    i literally cannot hear any describable words in that entire clip
  4. JARRE


  5. JARRE

    perp clips 3

    people shooting other people wow have I never seen this before!
  6. JARRE

    PERPHeads Shooting Tier List (A very BTec Version Of One)

    you are out of your fucking mind to think synatec ranks higher than any of these
  7. JARRE

    2020-07-05 PH 7th Anniversary / Change Log

    when were you when roadcrew minges died i was in slums growing cocaine when update come 'rc is die' 'no'
  8. JARRE

    Getting mugged at DD

    Carry gun in attack stance ez
  9. JARRE

    Creepis Appreciation Thread

    i heard about this @Creepis guy ye, weird guy, changes car almost as often as the organisation he is in, makes some funny videos though
  10. JARRE

    Steam Summer Sale 2020

    @Aquaa yes, everyday before I take my daily dosis of xtc
  11. JARRE

    Steam Summer Sale 2020

    all energy put into plan B is energy taken from plan A in other words i can hook you up
  12. JARRE

    Steam Summer Sale 2020

    all these games are giga mega ass its a gg and move on for this sale already
  13. JARRE

    Steam Summer Sale 2020

    truer words have never been spoken
  14. JARRE

    20/06/20 - Community Updates

    my iq dropped to double digits the moment brownies weren't cutting it anymore