Recent content by Jeffer Cake

  1. When driving away from police doesn't work

    Next time don't try and kill me MatStar :^)
  2. Walker

    I was in all situations stated; and just to comment on the car dealer one; in all fairness once you followed us with lights on and pulled up near us, I did say to walker that you were onto us; hence why he shot you. Also just to add, if police are allowed to ALL come back if just ONE government...
  3. Chris

    Just going to give a quick piece for Chris. Since Chris has became Mod he has been performing is duties on a top par, always handling reports ASAP, dealing with people fairly, and punishing those appropriately who chose to not follow the rules. In addition to this I also know he has been...
  4. Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Jeffrey Geeza Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41796970 What do you need refunded: Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I mugged this guy, he refused to drop anything, got perm banned rip. Here is what he should of dropped...
  5. CSGO Knives Thread

    I don't think a gut knife can be classed as a skin on CSGO lmao
  6. Ban Disputes and Ban Apologies

    This might help you out mate
  7. AR on Matt

    This AR is pointless and pathetic. Matt has already been punished for the money being dropped so mentioning it was pointless. All the other backstory about lagging and stalling is fine, if you didn't want him to stall by OOC reasons, then just tell him to give valid reasons IC. And lastly if you...
  8. Alabin AR

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Jeffrey Geeza His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Alabin His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:22064964 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Slander, 1.1, 2.1 . See Screenshots for explanations: 1. Trying to prevoke me and Feng for no reason? We haven't even spoken in OOC at all for the...
  9. AR Jeffer Cake

    Firstly just to get things straight about cops getting players to withdraw money, it is against the rules I believe. In rule 5.2 it literally says the only time cops can make you get things out is if they need you to get something out of STORAGE, not ATM. Right, so here it is from my POV. I...

  11. Taking off attachments when your life is in danger...

    Na that situation isn't what this is about, I just mean in general. Lets say your about to get raided by the entire Police force, and you know your going to die, can you just take the attachments off to save them as they are planting the c2? You know what I mean?
  12. Taking off attachments when your life is in danger...

    Simple and short; Is there a rule that covers taking off attachments when your life is in danger? I assumed it was something to do with the Storages/Trunks rule, but there is a lot of mixed confusion in it and I have no clue if it is or not now.
  13. We're Helping

    Little did they know what we were helping with
  14. PerpHeads Legacy Server

    #Geeza4Helper the revolution boys Finally wanted to see what Perp was like back in day
  15. ShadowJoey? You've even got the blink tactic on point + support adds realism