Recent content by Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

  1. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl


    i miss the days of arma 3 with micbib and cookie man
  2. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    Longest time you have been banned for

    R6 3 month ban for being in a server of meta gamers :( i was only playing r6 with bjorn
  3. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    minecraft server

    it has crossplay!
  4. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    minecraft server

  5. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    minecraft server

    i've seen people make a perp server but with aternos n shit witch is bad so ive made one with a new mc host that is free and i mean free no paywalls no bs render distance. if you want to host one yourself is the way to go! anyway heres the ip ---> <--- dm me if...
  6. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    AWP (L115A3) Oni Taiji

    u good bro?
  7. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    How did you find Perpheads and when?

    cookie man told me and invited me to play it with him :( Rip cookie man 3up
  8. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    [MEDIA] recreate this with ray tracing <3

    recreate this with ray tracing <3
  9. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    all my homies sleeping to this
  10. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    230k win on low stakes blackjack

    now go high stakes
  11. Jesus 2012/joshua maryl

    Gorillaz back?!?! :0

    its just clips from all there music videos showing progress and it uses the orchestral intro extended version for the music but they have also aknowledge the pirates work n shit so there back to do lore shit