Recent content by Jul

  1. Jul

    Juls introduction

    Hello out there! My name is Jens, but you will see me by the name of Jul, and I am from Denmark. Some may already seen my thread on support, which I am happy for the fast response and help from the community. So far on the server I been having fun, trying to learn the ropes, just been playing...
  2. Jul

    Crashing on connecting [SOLVED]

    Sadly dind't help WheSky, I'm going to reinstall it again, and this time let the server give me all the files EDIT: Sadly that dind't work out aswell Good news, and bad news (I guesss?) Lets start with the good news. I managed to get on the server by lowering all my graphic except for...
  3. Jul

    Crashing on connecting [SOLVED]

    Thanks for the help and quick reply Already did that, sadly no help, tried with -w 1280 -h 720 -dxlevel 90 dind't help eithe, still getting this error failed to lock vertex buffer in CmesDX8::LockVertexBuffer: nVertexCount=411,nFirstVertex=0
  4. Jul

    Crashing on connecting [SOLVED]

    Good morning guys, I am trying to be the "new" guy on the server, but the problem is that I am unable to connect, whenever i try to connect to the server. It simply crash at "Connecting to server" and usually I don't get an error, but sometimes i am able to see "failed to lock vertex buffer in...