Recent content by JustJosh

  1. JustJosh

    Update Log 26/05/2020

    maybe slightly late but my ears are now bleeding
  2. JustJosh

    Update Log 26/05/2020

    nvm I am braindead
  3. JustJosh

    Update Log 26/05/2020

    Am I braindead? I cant see blacklists
  4. JustJosh

    Produced a drill track with my mate

    you saying my songs were cringe? aight
  5. JustJosh


  6. JustJosh


  7. JustJosh

    thank you :)

    thank you :)
  8. JustJosh

    Thanks gamer

    Thanks gamer
  9. JustJosh


  10. JustJosh

    Happy Birthday, May 15th the best birthday

    Happy Birthday, May 15th the best birthday
  11. JustJosh

    Happy bdays my mans

    Happy bdays my mans
  12. JustJosh

    Ok boomer

    Ok boomer
  13. JustJosh

    Map Rotation

    where is gm_sandbox
  14. JustJosh

    Kid cheats on CSGO while live on the news

    My friend does it all the time and it actually pisses me off
  15. JustJosh

    AR on louis

    You said sorry for breaking 3.4 yes admitting to the rule break.