Recent content by Jyrgen

  1. Jyrgen

    Happy birthday Mr Agent!

    Happy birthday Mr Agent!
  2. Jyrgen


    Hi, I would like some legal advice.
  3. Jyrgen


  4. Jyrgen

    Perpheads shenanigans

    I say ban all Estonians.
  5. Jyrgen


  6. Jyrgen

    Bambino Bambirski - I so sad

    This song is property of Lagunov Records®. Please send 100$ per listen to following bank account: 9009256 Here is paperwork by @Skudist (Stefan Bachmeier Law Firm)
  7. Jyrgen

    am so sad

    This has to be the single greatest unban apology I have ever seen. I miss the Bambuski Brothers.
  8. Jyrgen


  9. Jyrgen

    Server Suggestion Fix Drum&bass Radio

    The current drum and bass station plays music from . It is 24/7 station that plays all genres of drum and bass and even has live DJ's on the weekends. I am surprised that you managed to tune in when there was something else playing.
  10. Jyrgen

    I wish not to comment on this subject.

    I wish not to comment on this subject.
  11. Jyrgen

    Oh no.. most people don't even remember that anymore... I even changed my name.... that was a...

    Oh no.. most people don't even remember that anymore... I even changed my name.... that was a bad reputation to have
  12. Jyrgen

    Change of 3.4, sentence and death system suggestion

    Thank you for seeing my point - all other crime except raiding is discouraged. The argument is that when raiding you can risk 3.4 as you have possibility for financial gains. The reason for this system is for player depending on his financial status to make the decision himself on which crimes...
  13. Jyrgen

    Change of 3.4, sentence and death system suggestion

    I very much agree with the standardization idea.
  14. Jyrgen

    Change of 3.4, sentence and death system suggestion

    Improved sentence and death system The aim of this suggestion is to improve the quality of roleplay, people valuing their lives and possessions without having certain rules limiting their experience. The suggestion would bring more stability into the constant wars and raiding, the chaos that is...
  15. Jyrgen

    Beat my time

    Oh no, looks like 00:32:45... now I will have to grind again.