Recent content by kasperr

  1. kasperr


    Fokus is a cool guy
  2. kasperr

    happy birthday!

    happy birthday!
  3. kasperr

    Police Suggestion Add old TFO hat options & allow TFOs to pick their hat

    On the subject of the T2 goggles, it has been changed that they can only spawn flipped up.
  4. kasperr

    Model Suggestion Police Long Sleeves

    PLPD will receive a long-sleeve shirt version for the winter season
  5. kasperr

    only a fool would try to deceive a dog

    only a fool would try to deceive a dog
  6. kasperr

    gaun yersel'

    gaun yersel'
  7. kasperr

    ever since 2018, couldn't keep his hand off citizenhack [ATTACH]

    ever since 2018, couldn't keep his hand off citizenhack
  8. kasperr

    happy birthday!!!

    happy birthday!!!
  9. kasperr

    Model Suggestion FLATCAP

  10. kasperr

    happy birthday!

    happy birthday!
  11. kasperr

    thank you! you got lucky last time though...

    thank you! you got lucky last time though...
  12. kasperr

    happy birthday!

    happy birthday!
  13. kasperr

    Coke or Pepsi

    it tastes different, im not crazy
  14. kasperr

    Coke or Pepsi

    coke if from can, pepsi if from bottle
  15. kasperr

    created a perp reddit

    redditors assemble