Recent content by Kugen

  1. Kugen

    Ban Apology (Kugen)

    I will reduce your ban to 3 days, please while you wait out the remainder of your ban please read these guidelines to help you with the more major rules like 3.4 and 2.5. Rule guidelines for 2.5 Rule guidelines for 3.4...
  2. Kugen

    Refund Request (VBondo)

    Understood, I will contact @Oddy as he’s assisted me with the refunds for everyone involving the cheater.
  3. Kugen

    Ban Apology (Kugen)

    I feel as if I’ve let you off pretty easy with one week as your last 3.4 rule break was three weeks. Additionally you had no way of knowing if your buddies were being brought to jail you need to evaluate the situation more carefully before acting on it in the future. Please follow this guide to...
  4. Kugen

    Refund Request (VBondo)

    Just confirming, you checked that your drugs were harvested by another player?
  5. Kugen

    Refund Request (VBondo)

    Just for clarification, I told @VBondo to tag me in this request while dealing with 12+ refund requests with @Oddy before he got in game. In what way did you lose your drugs to the cheater?
  6. Kugen

    Refund Request (cron73)

    Picked up his own Benelli without realizing @Oddy
  7. Kugen

    Refund Request (ГРУППА ВАГНЕРА RUS)

    Handled in game with @Oddy
  8. Kugen

    Refund Request (Red)

    Handled in game with @Oddy
  9. Kugen

    Action Request ([email protected])

    Due to the players' actions with the evidence that has been reviewed, the player will receive a 1 week ban due to breaking rules 3.4, 2.5, and 3.20 . Reviewed with @Ellie
  10. Kugen

    Kugen Porter

    Thanks brotha sorry I haven’t done an OR for ya been busy I promise I’ll get you one next time I’m on cop
  11. Kugen

    Refund Request (Dahweeble)

    Please make an F6 report in-game when Administrator+ is online to claim 1x Colt M4A1 1x Red Dot 1x Rifle Compensator 1x Colt M4A1 Stock Item ID: 181364467 Authorized by: @Ellie
  12. Kugen

    Refund Request (Sanchez)

    Please make an F6 report in-game when Administrator+ is online to claim: 1x AK-47 1x Rifle Compensator 1x Reflex Sight Item ID: 177343196 Authorized by: @Ellie
  13. Kugen

    Action Request (crazy crazy, and steelo)

    At this point from what I have reviewed, I don't believe a rulebreak has occurred. This all happened in RP you and the others stayed alive, even getting revived after the gunfight, which caused them to continue to interact with you more. Also recommend you to not trash talk them and insult them...
  14. Kugen

    Action Request (crazy crazy, and steelo)

    @steelo @Jay Please explain your actions in the clip above, why did you start punching them? You have 72 hours to respond
  15. Kugen

    Edwarldo's Puffer Mart

    Shout out to @EDWARLDO for being someone that actively uses puffer mart as a shop. He stocks and displays it amazingly!