Recent content by Laddy

  1. Laddy

    Rule Changes and poll - 24/04/2024

    Dank scammed me like 2.2 mil once. Scamming players is easy, especially with money.
  2. Laddy

    Password game

    Ahh yes I see, very smart
  3. Laddy

    Password game

    Walk me through this, you're saying knight to F6, then g7 pawn takes back f6, the bishop takes f6, then what?
  4. Laddy

    Password game

    I think its Bb5, it's confusing because the they've swapped the king and queen chess piece I think. So the King must be in E1 and E8. since whites "queen" is already down.
  5. Laddy

    Action Request (swedenz)

    Looks like you tried to mug/kidnap the guy who shot you also. Probably didn't realize it was just a joke and a confetti gun. Shoulda just let it go like the staff did at the time.
  6. Laddy

    Action Request (swedenz)

    You forgot to add that you were attempting to mug/kidnap his friend, and that when you shouted "it's just a prank" the friend was too far away to hear. Surely since you were revived and the fact that a staff member was actually present and realized it wasn't a situation worth any punishment...
  7. Laddy

    Rule change, change raid timer.

    You don't have to wait an extra 30 minutes to raid again. You have to wait extra to raid the same property. Growing in the forest sounds like a decent solution, but as soon as you're caught once people will search it again. People always know what properties are inhabited because they can check...
  8. Laddy

    Rule change, change raid timer.

    I can't get good, I play with 360 ping, the problem is benje to actually get one coke batch between you need to be extremely fast, you have 2-3 minutes of leeway. Needs more.
  9. Laddy

    Rule change, change raid timer.

    Look guys I'm all for raiding, hell make it 3 raids in an hour. Just not on the same person. The bulk time I play there's 20-50 people on, most of them AFK or just chilling at bazaar. Once people discover you're actively growing they come back every hour. An hour is just simply not long enough...
  10. Laddy

    Rule change, change raid timer.

    Some folkes are good and recognize that it's rude to raid too often, so they leave you that extra halfa/hour anyway. Love them folkes
  11. Laddy

    Rule change, change raid timer.

    Suggestion Title: Rule change, change raid timer. Suggestion Description: Change "can't raid the same properly more then once in 60 minutes" to 120 minutes.(atleast90please) Why should this be added?: -It's too easy to raidlock someone growing coke. coke takes 38ish minutes to grow. Raid...
  12. Laddy

    Server Suggestion Dispatcher Office lockpick

    +Support on this I've never seen the door be an actual problem, but for scenarios like you pointed out the door needs to be able to be picked. I also like the idea of taking the dispatch hostage to escape. Of course they would have to add some feature that calls are routed when dispatcher...
  13. Laddy

    Police Suggestion Reroute incidents as dispatcher.

    Pretty much, anyone who's ever been dispatcher(I think there's 3 people) knows that at time you can be completely overwhelmed, hell, one phonecall and you're practically useless. Times like these you need to route calls onto other officers.
  14. Laddy

    Police Suggestion Reroute incidents as dispatcher.

    Not invalid, you can still take over and stop routing calls. It's just an option for when you're busy with something else.
  15. Laddy

    Worse host

    Fuckin' sooks. I've been playing on 400+ ping for years. You just get used to it.