Recent content by lil papi

  1. lil papi

    Action Request (pro_leqq and African Joe)

    I did not stalk you, you guys stalked me around subs. And its dumb to risk gunpointing a person infront of a government employee. And in the second clip you said i try to break in but the door was open, so thats just trespassing. And you said you did not try to mug me again, but in this clip you...
  2. lil papi

    Action Request (pro_leqq and African Joe)

    Your Steam Name: lil papi Your Roleplay Name: Jesser Rivers Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83836727 Player's Steam Name: pro_leqq and African Joe Player's Roleplay Name: Jamie Dyett, Harry Slayer Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:550769627, STEAM_0:1:107407270 Why should this player be punished?: In first...
  3. lil papi

    Refund Request (lil papi)

    Your Steam Name: lil papi Your Roleplay Name: Jesse Rivers Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83836727 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon because illegal of defence. Requested Items: 1xAK-47, 1x Rifle compensator, 1x full 7.62x39mm Magazine (AK-47). Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member...
  4. lil papi

    Looking for actors!

    Jesse Rivers SauenFraNorge#5711
  5. lil papi

    Refund Request (lil papi)

    Your Steam Name: lil papi Your Roleplay Name: Jesse Rivers Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83836727 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon due to a 3.4 rule break: Requested Items: 1 ak-74U with...