Recent content by Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

  1. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

    South Carolina exotic animals ban.

    i think we should blow up south carolina
  2. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

    Guns and airguns

    i'd say it's alright depending on what you're looking for in an air rifle. personally i'm a fan of the way you can disassemble and mod it like you would the real thing, with it trying to mimick the internals of a real AK without obviously having the parts that would make it fire real rounds...
  3. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

    Guns and airguns

    Benelli make some quality shotguns man, I had the pleasure of shooting one when I got invited to an event with the shooting club up in RAF Valley and one of the instructors had a Montefeltro in black, nicest I've shot so far.
  4. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

    Guns and airguns

    since i was 17-ish and started out getting airguns as movie props while i was studying film, i've gotten super into air guns and shooting. this is a picture of my office i took in march (i think??), my collection's changed somewhat since then but that was the start of the setup in my new...
  5. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

    Update Log 12/04/2024 - New Clothes and Models

    @Collier you trying to get me to come back?
  6. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

    NVG || A PerpHeads Edit

    actual music??? wtf bro you fell off thats haram
  7. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

    What forums do you check when you wake up in the morning?

    if you wake up and go straight on the perpheads forums you're a bit of a virgin im ngl
  8. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

    Server Suggestion Add bank payment to cash registers.

    one time i was mashing E on a bunch of rifle comps someone was selling in bulk and i accidentally bought the M82 that was right next to them (gave to @Kenty right after :cat:) it happens
  9. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)


    no more lesbian ERP in the back of business shops :dead::confused:
  10. Lurker (DilanTheSkarf)

    Fredy's or Roxie's?

    i've been eating fredy's burgers since i was 14 years old and they've been spat in my food almost every single time