Recent content by Mareček

  1. Mareček

    Model Suggestion Adding rugs/carpets

    Suggestion Title: Adding rugs/carpets Suggestion Description: Simple rugs/carpets are currently missing, they seem very easy to be made and could be different styles and sizes Why should this be added?: - rugs/carpets are a great and easy decoration What negatives could this have?: - none...
  2. Mareček

    Model Suggestion Approved pictures for small picture

    Yes, if that is possible it would be great
  3. Mareček

    Model Suggestion Approved pictures for small picture

    Suggestion Title: Approved pictures for small picture Suggestion Description: By clicking E on small picture player can choose one picture from few approved pictures. People can vote on forums for new pictures to add to "general picture selection". "general picture selection" = selection of...
  4. Mareček

    Mazda Furai Raffle

    STEAM_0:0:55988909 If I win this car I will stop on every red light with it.
  5. Mareček

    Thank you.

    Thank you.
  6. Mareček

    I thank you.

    I thank you.