uh me and trisha got bored so we made you all sing for our enjoyment but thought we would share the results, Happy holidays everyone!
Sorry for the following:
missing anyone from the video
the horrible timing
the horrible quality
the lack of effort towards the end
if you are in russia its...
On a side note the delay difference between the two is crazy i move before he speaks in my clip and on his ive moved after his like second "hands up"
tbh from your POV i would say yeah fair i did run from you lmao but i thought you were gonna shoot the sweaters behind me... you did see my hammer at some point at a murder scene of your friends, the only reason i was hanging around after was because i had the clip of the guy aiming his weapon...
This clip is of me i thought the situation was over and went to see the name of the sweater as this person was causing issues earlier i then moved out the way of omar pointing the gun because i thought he was going to shoot the sweaters he didn't give me enough time to react i thought he was...
are you in the discord server? i spoke to bolli about a similar issue i was having with not being able to access my inventory so it seems like a similar issue to me
Type of Bug: Lua
Description of the Bug: Game Unplayable - Cannot open Q menu (inventory) after trying to open menu my cursor is visible but cannot move my characters head / also cannot access pd loadout menu
How to reproduce the Bug: pressing q and not have your inventory open!
Ive tried the...
I would personally recommend a used lenovo legion 5 or 7 they are solid laptops that don't look too extreme/stupid only downside is the battery life is shockingly bad.
If its for perpheads i would look for one with a cpu that has a high clock speed rather than more cores.
Completely understand about the job stuff and orgs personally the leaderboards for me would have like silly things like Most times hit by vehicle or like longest playtime ljust fun stuff in the background that people might not even know they are no1 on the leaderboard of that statistic. I'm...