Recent content by MattIsMadForCod

  1. MattIsMadForCod

    Is the staff team active enough

    communist perp
  2. MattIsMadForCod

    Crazy shit that happened at your school

    Maddest thing that happened at school for me was: A girl taking a Paracetemol Overdose in Bioligy. Some girl took a whole pack then bragged about it (people didnt think she was being serious) before collapsing in Year 9
  3. MattIsMadForCod

    Anyone got any loom bands?

    Anyone got any loom bands?
  4. MattIsMadForCod

    What a boi, saw him in the pub last week. Was drinking carslberg tho :/

    What a boi, saw him in the pub last week. Was drinking carslberg tho :/
  5. MattIsMadForCod

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    Ingame help, maybe a tutorial proccess for new players. After coming back from a long break I had a hard time understanding the new drugs system. The Help in F1 is outdated. Just these little things and unclarity that could be turning new players away contributing to the lower player count...
  6. MattIsMadForCod

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    thanks dude! appreciate that! :)
  7. MattIsMadForCod

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Minecraft IGN: mattismadforcod Team you are joining(if applicable): Additional Comments: I'm in it for the nostalgia, Anyone fancy teaming up to make life easier? (im not interested in PvP)
  8. MattIsMadForCod

    Things you didn't like the idea of til you tried?

    I love a menthol aswell, what vape/eliquid do you use?
  9. MattIsMadForCod

    Ahhahahaha I wish mate, gonna be really interesting to see more advancements in Superstring tho!!!!

    Ahhahahaha I wish mate, gonna be really interesting to see more advancements in Superstring tho!!!!
  10. MattIsMadForCod

    Good to see you're still here x

    Good to see you're still here x
  11. MattIsMadForCod

    Second year ramps up a hell of a lot, be ready for a shitshow. If you want any advantages over...

    Second year ramps up a hell of a lot, be ready for a shitshow. If you want any advantages over the other students I reccommend having a read into Bra-Ket and Suffix Notation! Comes up a hell of a lot! QED by Feynman is my absolute favourite book on Physics!! Any other books you could reccommend...
  12. MattIsMadForCod

    Things you didn't like the idea of til you tried?

    Haha, read the post wrong sorry mate.
  13. MattIsMadForCod

    Things you didn't like the idea of til you tried?

    If you want me to be brutually honest, Crack. Someone I know possessed some and pressured me into giving it a go. One hit turned into two which turned into more over the course of the night. Woke up feeling absolutely awful and promised myself I'd never go there ever again. Absolutely stupid...
  14. MattIsMadForCod

    Ohh ill have a read into his research mate! Not a big cosmologist but find it very interesting...

    Ohh ill have a read into his research mate! Not a big cosmologist but find it very interesting! Indeed I am, are you?