Recent content by MegaFro

  1. MegaFro

    Antistasi: exploiting civilians to become a trillionaire guide

    I poke fun at modern viral content. Made this video a couple of months ago but didn't want to post it publicly, but I think it's funny.
  2. MegaFro

    PERPheads Fuckery 9 | The Torment of Andersen #1

    lol when is this from?
  3. MegaFro

    PERPheads Fuckery 9 | The Torment of Andersen #1

    2022 Minge footage that I finally got around to editing, hope you have a laugh or two :)
  4. MegaFro

    Ghost | Insurgency: Sandstorm Edit

    I'm trying but my old clips are cut like shit so it's very annoying to work with them :/
  5. MegaFro

    Ghost | Insurgency: Sandstorm Edit

    Started making this like a year ago, then compeltely forgot about it, decided to continue it now and I think it's not bad actually.. The first 30 seconds were the original old version, I just added text to it, the rest is all new.
  6. MegaFro

    Arma 3 antistasi edit 3!!

    very fast paced arma edit, hopefully it's not too hard to watch :3 please dislike, unsubscribe, report to your local hate speech org :3 and make sure to leave an aggressive hateful comment!!! DONT RECOMMEND TO YOUR FRIENDS!!
  7. MegaFro

    tiktok shit valorant edit part 10!!! :3

    its not gameplay it's edit or else you'd see how dogshit i am!!
  8. MegaFro

    tiktok shit valorant edit part 10!!! :3

  9. MegaFro

    tiktok shit valorant edit part 10!!! :3

    6 hours to edit this shit!! Remember to dislike, unsubscribe, and report for dogshit!
  10. MegaFro

    I in fact have a GREAT amount of minge footage from 2022, if you really want to I'll edit it...

    I in fact have a GREAT amount of minge footage from 2022, if you really want to I'll edit it properly and upload here
  11. MegaFro

    Another Arma 3 antistasi edit

    Pretty edgy edit.. I couldn't finish it for months and it was dogshit but I didn't want to change the theme, so I just made it as decent as I could to finish with it already. I know the shaking effect is a bit overwhelming sometimes but it was supposed to match the chaos with the song and...
  12. MegaFro

    Arma 3 Antistasi Edit

    This was my first time properly playing Arma 3 after I bought it, it's great. My only issue with regular Chernarus is that it's from arma 2 and is pretty outdated, I wanna try Chernarus 2020 I believe it's called. Hell yeah!
  13. MegaFro

    Arma 3 Antistasi Edit

    I'm really interested in it, but people are saying since it's sort of a "demo", there's a lack of things and AI sucks, but otherwise looks really cool.
  14. MegaFro

    Arma 3 Antistasi Edit

    Footage of me and my grill cheese capturing Cherno on Antistasi Yo please tell me if this sucks and what to improve!! It's a bit difficult to do "fast-paced" editing while also triyng to show the order of things happening in a given situation, so I wanted to ask seasoned critics on here for...
  15. MegaFro


    lmao about being unable to edit with a song and switching, is very relatable