Having an excellent CPU with a lot of cache such as the rx 7800x3d (Ryzon "3D" series is shown to provide more FPS as seen in @HuskyD0G benchmark above). However, this is obviously not ideal as it will be quite expensive.
You can also change settings to optimise your FPS such as using commands...
Isn't the whole point of CPL to prove that you can be an acting supervisor to then progress to SGT?
Why do you want to encourage people to stay in that shit rank? 2 ORs a month is not much of an ask and if you can't be bothered to do it, then don't apply for a promotion :)
Sport: Esports
Weight: 305kg (4ft 2)
Practice: Aim training
Suggestion: I suggest Kovvaks Aim Trainer on steam.com, use code Megapaw for 5% off and a free T-shirt
P.S, Ask @A1L for advice on pro aiming armsleeves!