Recent content by MELONIZEEE :3

  1. Player of the Month April 2015

    Pear made 8 accounts just to vote for himself Rofl
  2. The best of Today...

    Spray and pray, still not better than mine yolo in the city hall where i killed 2 swat and 4 cops with deagle ( rofl swat was yelling help me )
  3. Thanks

    Well, its sad to see you go, you were one of the best admins. I hope we will keep in contact + dont call me a trigger bot in cs go :D
  4. You want a game like Perp in a much bigger scale?

    Well in Arma 3 life ( not altis ) there is a thing like going to jail. You need to wait out the 30 mins - 90 mins ingame to get out jail. This is propably going to lower the amount but still i think there will be enough 10 yrs old kids running around asking " where can i get a gun Plz "
  5. Identity : New Real Life RP Game

    You can go ahead and close this thread. Another person made it
  6. Identity : New Real Life RP Game

    Well ,basically Identity is a game made by asylum enternaiment. Its an mmo rpg ( no lvls or skills), real life role play in open world setting. In Identity you can choose who are you going to be ( cop , medic , firefighter, criminal, you can make meth, or live in woods hunting deers ). Its not...
  7. Drug skills

    Make it to craft faster + YOu will need for the drugs to grow
  8. Stores close at a certain time (Idea)

    When shop gonna close there will be a message saying " shops i closing in 10 / 5 mins" after that time you will get pushed outside the door . Not best idea but well
  9. R.I.P. Kitty0706

    He died from cancer in age 19. World can be so cruel. He was a great sfm / vid maker. His videos were always funny and worth to watch R.I.P Kitty0706 / Colin His last Video ( 2 months before he passed away )
  10. 3.4

    + support 3.4 - rule about keeping your life safe, running to get a gun from storage or store something under gunpoint is stupid and unrealistic idea
  11. 1911 to be available for use by Police.

    + support Should be restricted to lt or supervisor + some pick of best geared m4
  12. Craftable Armor

    Already suggested and always gets denied. Armor is overpowered already + Police fails in 75 % even if its fuckin sweater vest with m9 berreta It could be cool to change Secret Service to spawn with black suit with glasses + wearable armor ( only in critical situations ) but i dont realy see...
  13. Leveling up the crafting system

    The crafting system was added to improve rp, and lower the ammount of " combat crafting " situation - you are escaping from cops, no gun on you. You started crafting shotgun. You stop running and turn around with shotgun = rip
  14. Abraham Williams

    + Support User broke 3.4, 3.6 and 3.19
  15. Rules in More Depth

    Well now lets hope people will read it and understand it. Great explanation.