Recent content by Mikey

  1. Mikey


  2. Mikey


  3. Mikey

    Mazda Furai Raffle

  4. Mikey

    Thanks man!

    Thanks man!
  5. Mikey

    Ja bedankt he hahahaha gvd bijna 10 jaar lid van deze club

    Ja bedankt he hahahaha gvd bijna 10 jaar lid van deze club
  6. Mikey


  7. Mikey

    Thanks little late oops

    Thanks little late oops
  8. Mikey

    Ja man!

    Ja man!
  9. Mikey

    wie ben jij

    wie ben jij
  10. Mikey

    AR on Luke Jefferson

    ibraaa should have never had the valid reason to shoot you. especially not over a small thing such as this ticket, not trying to be a snitch but I have tried to prevent him of performing the act that he did, I said 'Nee, niet doen!' which translates to No, dont do it! I know as well that he...
  11. Mikey

    AR against Jake18 (Muhammad Walker) / Leu Vladimir / Peter Jinks

    @D3V I try to upload the demo video (shadowplay) to youtube but states its a duplicate. Can I remove the videos stated in the AR and upload the demo video?
  12. Mikey

    AR against Jake18 (Muhammad Walker) / Leu Vladimir / Peter Jinks

    UPDATE: I try to upload the demo video (shadowplay) to youtube but states its a duplicate. Can I remove the videos stated in the AR and upload the demo video?
  13. Mikey

    AR against Jake18 (Muhammad Walker) / Leu Vladimir / Peter Jinks

    Hi D3V I do not but I can take a look into my demos and record that using shadowplay its easier for us all.
  14. Mikey

    SERVER EVENTS: 06/04/2019

    I need to work #AirportLife thanks anyways. have fun all
  15. Mikey

    AR against Jake18 (Muhammad Walker) / Leu Vladimir / Peter Jinks

    Very bad executed if its true what you and your buddy logitechg says Jake is still metagaming or is attempting to get someone involved via an OOC message instead of using a phone (but obviously he is dead so he cant call someone to be medic) i am also wondering if you guys where communicating...