Recent content by moher4 ghost

  1. moher4 ghost


  2. moher4 ghost


  3. moher4 ghost

    It's sadly time

    I am not good at good byes so here it goes. It's been an awesome time here got to know a lot of new people good and bad, learnt something here and there got pissed at this and that had fun with them and they and ofc got a sniff of salt on the way while building a rape cave in a bazaar shop and...
  4. moher4 ghost


  5. moher4 ghost

    thanks rape cave xD

    thanks rape cave xD
  6. moher4 ghost

    thanks :D

    thanks :D
  7. moher4 ghost

    thanks :D

    thanks :D
  8. moher4 ghost

    thanks :D

    thanks :D
  9. moher4 ghost

    thanks :D

    thanks :D
  10. moher4 ghost

    thanks :D

    thanks :D
  11. moher4 ghost

    1 Mil Giveaway. @John Daymon is a faggot

    i want the 1 mil cuz you owe me mil xD
  12. moher4 ghost

    AR On victorhouborg

    could someone close this AR ? since it was an accident from the players side there is no need to punish him.
  13. moher4 ghost

    AR On victorhouborg

    Your Steam/In-game Name: moher4 ghost / Moher Moussy His/Her Steam/In-game Name: victorhouborg His/Her SteamID: - Why Should This Player Be Punished: The player saw me cross the road at the garage area and immediately stopped and turned around and deliberately ran me over killing me for...
  14. moher4 ghost

    26-08-2017 Update Log

    so are we allowed to take hostages in a bank robbery now then ?
  15. moher4 ghost


    well as i said in game we were all trying to close the door cuz of the person body blocking the door and as we were closing and locking the door the gun men come down the stairs at the same time so there really was no way of stopping the door closeing as it already was doing so as they showed up.