Recent content by Morgan0111

  1. Morgan0111

    Server Suggestion Allowing radio to be turned down VIA Settings in F1 menu

    just stop using a laptop @Locksmith :facepalm:
  2. Morgan0111


  3. Morgan0111

    Update Log 30/05/2023

    i thought it was the 30th today not the 31st
  4. Morgan0111

    Refund Request (Morgan0111)

    Your Steam Name: Morgan0111 Your Roleplay Name: Morgan Dunne Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81046558 Reason for Request: I lost my gun to a car bomb mid shootout with the cops Requested Items: scar with full mag scar stock and comp + big holo. Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member...
  5. Morgan0111

    Refund Request (Seke)

    i was the third person in the situation i was using @Seke gun he lended to me but lost it to a rule break
  6. Morgan0111

    Help me find new games to play

    I’ve recently got Ready or not if your into first-person shooter games
  7. Morgan0111

    Is using a magnifying glass to see better during shootouts cheating?

    6.2 Third-Party Tools Any third-party software, macros, scripts or content which give players an advantage over other players will not be tolerated and should not be used. The use of custom weapon textures is only permitted when they are installed in the phcustomtextures folder, you can learn...
  8. Morgan0111


  9. Morgan0111

    are you gay arron/faith...?

    are you gay arron/faith...?
  10. Morgan0111

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Selling Premium Your Steam Name: Morgan0111 Your Roleplay name: Morgan Dunne Selling Price: 75/80K Length of premium: 30 days Still selling: YES Additional Information: click on my signature to contact me
  11. Morgan0111

    Gamers Don't Die, They Respawn!

    Gamers Don't Die, They Respawn!
  12. Morgan0111

    Nah man go home Sunday how's you holiday @Wolfjie

    Nah man go home Sunday how's you holiday @Wolfjie
  13. Morgan0111

    thank you

    thank you
  14. Morgan0111


  15. Morgan0111

    Thank you

    Thank you