Recent content by MushiKushinuki

  1. MushiKushinuki

    New server host

    i dont wanna :(
  2. MushiKushinuki

    Action Request (EmilErSej)

    hello, i dont really remember this raid, but i was not aware that the rule about picking up drugs and stuff counted when you were the one raiding. I thought it was like a rule not to stall at raids and hurry out. Sorry for breaking this tho
  3. MushiKushinuki

    Action Request (Code Monkey and MILKY)

    i was hoping like a demo or something. But i dont have chat logs screenshots, cant admins see that?
  4. MushiKushinuki

    Action Request (Code Monkey and MILKY)

    By evidence do you mean screenshots of the chat logs?
  5. MushiKushinuki

    Action Request (Code Monkey and MILKY)

    Your Steam Name: EmilErSej Your Roleplay Name: Mushi Kushinuki Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130713758 Player's Steam Name: Code Monkey and MILKY Player's Roleplay Name: Unknown Player's SteamID: Unknown Why should this player be punished?: First of all these 2 people were being very toxic...
  6. MushiKushinuki

    Action Request (EmilErSej)

    Yea i took it personal, because you called us something we were not in a rather disrespectfull way
  7. MushiKushinuki

    Action Request (EmilErSej)

    we were 4 people raiding a projex apartment with 2 people in it who had large guns (We all had shotguns iirc) Then in the OOC chat someone, said something along the lines of "I hate when people zerg raid" Correct me if that is not what she said since i dont remember. Which then led to me saying...
  8. MushiKushinuki

    Refund Request (HarryThompson)

    Your Steam Name: HarryThompson Your Roleplay Name: Harry-Thompson Brown-Ebuyson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130713758 Reason for Request: I crashed because of lag and tiered my car. After tiering it i fixed it before an admin came to prevent it from going tier 2 if i crashed again. Requested...
  9. MushiKushinuki

    Perpheads montage

    You'll need to make a refund request for that
  10. MushiKushinuki

    Perpheads montage

    bad song? wdym
  11. MushiKushinuki

    Perpheads montage

  12. MushiKushinuki

    Action Request (yoshio04)

    Your Steam Name: EmilErSej Your Roleplay Name: Harry-Thompson Brown-Ebuyson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130713758 Player's Steam Name: yoshio04 Player's Roleplay Name: Leo Manning Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0447957802 Why should this player be punished?: He stood on the bank counter and...
  13. MushiKushinuki

    Refund Request (EmilErSej)

    Your Steam Name: EmilErSej Your Roleplay Name: Harry-Thompson Brown-Ebuyson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130713758 Reason for Request: my car got tier'ed cus someone stole it Requested Items: 16.000$ Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @flugs
  14. MushiKushinuki

    Bug Report (Server stutter that makes your game freeze for a moment)

    i did but the admin told me to make this thing, which i have never done before, i usually just do f6 ingame or refund request
  15. MushiKushinuki

    Bug Report (Server stutter that makes your game freeze for a moment)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Server stutter that makes your game freeze for a moment How to reproduce the Bug: Is not able to reproduce Time Stamp: 16:56 Media: