Recent content by Natalie Paquette

  1. Natalie Paquette

    DJ Conyo - Last remix... (Ft. Mac O'brian)

    its already gone viral!!
  2. Natalie Paquette


  3. Natalie Paquette

    goodbye ig?

    Have fun!
  4. Natalie Paquette

    do it no balls

    do it no balls
  5. Natalie Paquette

    Ban Apology (Ellie)

    This is not an apology, this is a dispute..
  6. Natalie Paquette

    Ban Apology (Ellie)

    Apology denied. Your behaviour was way out of limits, i was shocked, and you impacted me by your words. You should know that going OOC, IC, to slander and be toxic is unacceptable. I did not lie, and I would never lie as LEO. That is a extreme accusation, and I suggest you to make an IA if...
  7. Natalie Paquette

    End of 2023 crash

    yeh i was a bit lucky after all lol
  8. Natalie Paquette

    End of 2023 crash

  9. Natalie Paquette

    Welcome back bro! Don't disconnect on me again

    Welcome back bro! Don't disconnect on me again
  10. Natalie Paquette

    bjorn hansen tage 2 <3

    Hvor er det klip hvor bob han bollede dig? Xd @Google Chrome
  11. Natalie Paquette

    Event Suggestion Bank Truck

    This sounds fun! +Upvote
  12. Natalie Paquette

    Server Suggestion Make cash registers only placeable near storages.

    That is correct. Too much micro management will just completly ruin the rest of the passive rp we have left.
  13. Natalie Paquette

    Server Suggestion Make cash registers only placeable near storages.

    The rules should be enforced better. Staff should do something when they see it, instead of waiting for someone to report them. This removes some of the passive roleplay aspect, and we already have too many rules regarding IC behaviour and functions. Don't make more rules. Enforce the rules...
  14. Natalie Paquette

    Im never playing perp again after that! :c

    Im never playing perp again after that! :c