Recent content by Nazeer

  1. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    If your answer to Aquaa's question was "unjustified", then feel free to make a dispute, not an apology. If your answer was "fair", then make an apology after 3 months (half of your punishment).
  2. Nazeer

    Franko Balianco

    This guy taught me how to raid, he then proceeded to leave me and join 16:9 and then did the biggest, taking down many filthy metagamers! He returned back to J Y S K and we made a new organization called The Kung Fu Klutzes where this guy carried it to top #2! how cool!!!! @Franko is now...
  3. Nazeer


  4. Nazeer

    real [ATTACH]

  5. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (Nazeer)

    You were not "rarely active" on the server, considering you were the first to respond to the screenshot taken of me confronting one of your friends. Then replying with this masterpiece making it much easier for me Wait out atleast half of your punishment then make another one where you...
  6. Nazeer

    Ban Apology (nazeer)

    Dealt with
  7. Nazeer

    Action Request (drippy darius)

    Requested by OP
  8. Nazeer

    The most hated thing on perp

    slums/projex 4
  9. Nazeer

    can we play league together now

    can we play league together now
  10. Nazeer

    Ban Dispute (Tyla Jai)

  11. Nazeer

    [ATTACH] every day, i will be leaking 1 message you sent to me in dms.

    every day, i will be leaking 1 message you sent to me in dms.
  12. Nazeer

    who the fuck did you pay?

    who the fuck did you pay?
  13. Nazeer

    they dont like good pvp'ers, that's why @torbizzle is blue...

    they dont like good pvp'ers, that's why @torbizzle is blue :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
  14. Nazeer

    Action Request (drippy darius)

    I have requested both of your demos, please accept it once you are in game
  15. Nazeer

    Action Request (Dave)

    Considering Dave had just killed one of your friends armed and you hearing the shots in the evidence you provided, there was no reason for you to run directly to where the shots were unless you were armed. Your friend had an AK-101 on him and Dave used a G3A3 to kill him. No punishments will...