Recent content by Nervous

  1. Nervous

    Server Suggestion Snipers

    I mean...
  2. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    Congratulations, Kye Than has joined The Boss Bears, Welcome to the organization, make sure to read all the rules and Respect them.
  3. Nervous


    no idea what you mean by that haha
  4. Nervous


    I mean, that's nice, considering some of our members are really new, and that we kept getting raided every 5 mins cause we were the only base + you hit us while we were building xd but gj
  5. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    Congratulations, Jerome Walker has joined The Boss Bears, Welcome to the organization, make sure to read all the rules and Respect them. (Applied in person)
  6. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    Congratulations, Harvie Armstrong has joined The Boss Bears, Welcome to the organization, make sure to read all the rules and Respect them. (Applied in person)
  7. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    If its troll app, it is what it is.
  8. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    Congratulations, Moses Brown has joined The Boss Bears, Welcome to the organization, make sure to read all the rules and Respect them. (Applied in person)
  9. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    Call me once you are free 737-3102
  10. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    Congratulations, Alex Sanders has joined The Boss Bears, Welcome to the organization, make sure to read all the rules and Respect them. (Joined through game)
  11. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    You can meet me in game if you dont want to fill up app
  12. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    No idea who these are, but I doubt it haha
  13. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    Organization Name: *The Boss Bears* Application Status: *OPEN* The Boss Bears: Application Format Applicant's Name: ANSWER Hours on PerpHeads: ANSWER How active can you be: ANSWER Where are you from: ANSWER How old are you: ANSWER Will you be loyal to us?: ANSWER WIll you...
  14. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    Topic updated
  15. Nervous

    ☠ The Boss Bears ☠

    The Boss Bears: Application Format Applicant's Name: ANSWER Hours on PerpHeads: ANSWER How active can you be: ANSWER Where are you from: ANSWER How old are you: ANSWER Will you be loyal to us?: ANSWER WIll you respect other members and higher ups?: ANSWER