Recent content by Nessy

  1. Nessy

    Thank you mate! :D

    Thank you mate! :D
  2. Nessy

    Takker! :D

    Takker! :D
  3. Nessy

    Havnt checked in here for a good while but cheers mate! :D

    Havnt checked in here for a good while but cheers mate! :D
  4. Nessy


    Your in-game name: Jasini Grice Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7436272 What do you need refunded: repair for my car (25k) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: an officer drove on the wrong side of the highway and wrecked my car Evidence: @Gimic
  5. Nessy

    It's been fun :)

    Been friends with you for a few years now and to see you grow from what you were and what you have accomplished is amazing. You climbed the ranks in the PD faster than most people and making it into the staff team shows me how dedicated you are and just how great of a person you are. Always knew...
  6. Nessy

    Los Locos [Applications]

    OOC Information Steam name : Nessy Age :16 IC Information Name : Jason Grice Playtime : 1 month and 3 days Firearms level : 11, get people i know to craft for me Cars you own : Porsche 918 Marksmanship : Rifle: 61 pistol: 17 and dont really use the others Organizations you have been in ...
  7. Nessy

    The Harpers Application

    IG Name / Steam Name: Jason Grice/Nessy Age: 16 Total Playtime:1 month and 3 days Combat Experience 1-10: id say 6-7 ish Driving skills 1-10: around 8-9 Current money: 30k in bank and another 300k ish in drugs Cars owned: Porsche 918 Preferred Weapon: m4, ak47, sr25 or m14 What can you offer...
  8. Nessy

    WAGWAN Applications

    OOC Steam name : Nessy Age : 16 IC Name : Jason Grice Firearms level : 11, get people i know to craft stuff for me Cars that you own : Porsche 918 spyder, mini cooper Marksmanship : Rifle 61 pistol 16(rarely use them) sub 1(never use them) shotgun 4(never use them)
  9. Nessy

    Around one month left...

    Shame to see you leave, had some good times together. Hopefully you will come back soon. Good luck buddy!
  10. Nessy

    shhhhhh, this is a big lie

    shhhhhh, this is a big lie
  11. Nessy

    AR on Smith Cary and Jason Grice

    Sorry for a late response, have been dealing with exams lately. Well, it looked at least for me that they were just trying to get out of bazzar as the mayor was just saying "eh I will heavily think about it, yes, maby, yes yes" while his SS were telling him multiple times to say yes. It just...
  12. Nessy

    The Arnolds Family Applications

    IG Name: Jason Grice OOC Name Or Link: Nessy - IG Funds: 1,6 million Car: Scion Frs upgraded once Why would you like to join?: Tierd of not having anything to do. I want to join an org that gets shit done. I already have some friends that...
  13. Nessy

    Wah Ching Applications

    OOC Steam name: Nessy Steam link: Age: 16 IC Name: Jason Grice Firearms: 11, going to higher it as soon as i get a new car Rifle marksmanship: 44, also going to higher Cars: Scion Frs Upgraded once Cash: 1.6 mill Why would you like to join...
  14. Nessy

    AR on Seth Miller

    I dont see how he is breaking 2.1 and 3.3 more then your friend is and also, he already equipped the gun and it was in his hand when he took it out of the trunk. If he didnt shoot you and your friend he would most likley been gunned down himself. And mabey he shouldt have got the gun out in the...