Recent content by Nottoc

  1. Nottoc

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    I think that you raise a valid point in the fact that we have a lack of Corporals in comparison to Sergeants however I think this is more to do with the types of players that exist in the PD which predominantly seem to be one of two types: 1. Player seeking progression and climbing highest that...
  2. Nottoc

    How come nobody uses the market stalls?

    Aside what everyone else has said, it's just placed in a really inconvenient spot on top of it all with no direct parking to it. Even if one person set up a shop at the market stalls, most people would still go past it to go to Bazaar where you will have an abundance of shops with a higher...
  3. Nottoc

    happy birthday fren !

    happy birthday fren !
  4. Nottoc

    Avesi Berdy - a tipsy Perpheads perspective , my thoughts and prayers diary 1

    I mean you said you were salty over it even though I never called you it so idk, you tell me
  5. Nottoc

    Server Suggestion Org Salaries

    The idea that you are describing just sounds extremely convoluted and as you admitted earlier, more like a business. There are many things that your idea/system would need to consider to even work: - You can't just have a custom 'salary tax' for certain people. Tax works by taking off a...
  6. Nottoc

    Police Suggestion Redirect 911

    The issue is that from a PD stand-point - a call a lot of the time is less effective than a text-based 911. I can only speak from experience but majority of the times that I do answer the call - it will be one of: 1. Troll call 2. Person says something and hangs up 3. Person actually...
  7. Nottoc

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    Which is why the division was taking steps to expose people to tactics, equipment and the alike by opening 'training days' and making the apps easier every-time they were closed and re-opened. The last TFU apps before this update had a higher pass rate than what Traffic currently has. Exposing...
  8. Nottoc

    Event Suggestion Non-Name Christmas Sweaters

    I’m not sure how feasible this would be tbh unless they created some festive emblems that people could just put onto a sweater at Jennifer’s as a form of customisation
  9. Nottoc

    How do you guys feel about the current PD application format?

    The way the tests are currently is mostly years worth of trial and error with ideas from many groups of people. For someone new, what the tests ask of you may feel hard/difficult but with experience and just a bit of your own willingness, they shouldn’t be too hard. They are also continuously...
  10. Nottoc

    Event Suggestion Non-Name Christmas Sweaters

    id rather just have a christmas-y design than be a walking advertisement !
  11. Nottoc

    Event Suggestion Non-Name Christmas Sweaters

    Suggestion Title: Non-Name Christmas Sweaters Suggestion Description: I created this suggestion last year and it had received 24 upvotes but was closed with the reasoning to 'suggest it this year'. But here we go. Whilst I'm sure that there is a portion of the community that loves to rep and...
  12. Nottoc

    Suggestion: Trial by combat.

    so true
  13. Nottoc

    Thank you for everything! Again!

    Will miss you, megapaw