Recent content by obidan66

  1. obidan66

    @Aquaa And so it begins.

    @Aquaa And so it begins.
  2. obidan66

    @cummy glizzy gobbler your lesser incantations have no power over me

    @cummy glizzy gobbler your lesser incantations have no power over me
  3. obidan66

    Ima start systematically review bombing every single post you ever made don’t even tempt me

    Ima start systematically review bombing every single post you ever made don’t even tempt me
  4. obidan66

    Who the best player in perp?

    That's the neat part... It never was. ;) It's very difficult being the best, leaves you lonely at the top. :(
  5. obidan66

    Who the best player in perp?

    I think all of you are equally the worst.
  6. obidan66

    Server Suggestion Food, cooking and drugs expansion.

    Tell me about it... Every time I asked for it to be reviewed, the comment post was deleted, I was politely given an official warning on my record for thread bumping and essentially told to fuck off.
  7. obidan66


  8. obidan66

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    Alright. I did say I wasn't gonna do more, but people keep interrupting my cryo-sleep. In all seriousness @Bnje , you raise some very valid points. I've forgotten about some aspects of the olden times that you reminded me off just now, which were truly wayy worse than they are now. However...
  9. obidan66

    Server Suggestion Additional Character Slot(s)

    There will have to be some precautions to prevent you from giving yourself things between characters tho. I could see some ways to abuse this. Most things with multiple character slots have some rules and actual mechanics in place to prevent things of that nature. Other than that. You've got my...
  10. obidan66

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    This will be my last reply for this thread, cause I have to return to my cryo-chamber until someone (probably Aquaa) summons me next year. 1. Criminal RP makes up the majority of all the RP on the server. Therefore it can easily be said that the majority of the RP has seen a downward spiral...
  11. obidan66

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    Hey... Hey. Thats a lot of words. @Aquaa just paged me to get in on this. Chill. Youre like me. Just... Opposite. Like an evil twin. Or maybe youre the good twin, Idk. Doesnt matter. Point is... To avoid any ad hominem remarks I will now address your points in order. I join the server so...
  12. obidan66

    ok zoomer

    ok zoomer
  13. obidan66

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    Must've not been a very memorable one. :eek:
  14. obidan66

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    No worries, always a pleasure. Who are you again?
  15. obidan66

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    Don't know, but to sustain itself the server must generate income. Surely that must to a certain degree be a factor in the over all decision-making process regarding the server's trajectory no? If it doesnt, then my mistake. Surely there are other reasons then.