Recent content by Paralyzed

  1. AR on Seth Miller

    In your first post you admit to the fact that we are the ones that pulled the guns first (which is true, I'm glad you admit that) which is the reason why you pulled the trigger, but then again in your other comment (see below) you say "I didn't realize you had a gun on me" which seems very...
  2. Ban Request Paralyzed

  3. Ban Request Paralyzed
  4. Ban Request: Shortyzz & Swenorman

  5. Ban Request: Shortyzz & Swenorman

    "First of all: let's not make this a 2nd ban request just to keep swearing to each other." If someone breaks the server rules themselves, why shouldn't I be allowed to post a ban request against that person? Just because he posted one against me, won't stop me from reporting rule breakers. -...
  6. Ban Request Paralyzed

    Exactly, you were hoping for me to do something which is called cop baiting. Breaking the rules I mentioned.
  7. Ban Request: Shortyzz & Swenorman

    Just. Stop. If I can't make a ban request now because you made one against me, then lol. Whenever I asked you guys why you keep driving through a red light, speeding and reckless driving I simply didn't receive any answer only answer I got was from Garo who said "Yes many reasons". You seem to...
  8. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

    Arron Cursed & Jazz Smith have now been promoted to the rank of Fighter, which gives them access to a specialization. You both will have to contact me ICly regarding your preferred specialization, and I will in the end decide which one you're getting. Congratulations you two! You both have shown...
  9. Ban Request Paralyzed

    Now this ban request is a great example of who is provoking who:
  10. Ban Request: Shortyzz & Swenorman

    Your Steam/In-game Name: [SG] Paralyzed / Anthony Cavezza His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Swenorman / Moa Bern - Shortyzz / Dominic Johnsen (STEAM_0:1:24995783) His/Her SteamID: Swenorman (STEAM_0:0:61335912) - Shortyzz (STEAM_0:1:24995783) Reason: Breaking rule 3.4 & Rule 2.1 - Constantly...
  11. Ban Request Paralyzed

    If you could as well give an example rather than simply saying "This guy has failed many times from what ive seen" that'd be appreciated. I personally don't remember ever interacting with you.
  12. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

    Know your roleplaying capabilities and it fits the image of a Skull member. Welcome to The Skulls, Seedy!
  13. Ban Request Paralyzed

    Wow rude Shortyzz. I'm being accused of stuff I haven't done and am not allowed to defend myself or else it's called bitching? Talking about behavior.... Also @Bonz000 yes I was online at the time, that does not mean I'm going to tell the guys how to play their game. I would only care if they...
  14. Ban Request Paralyzed

    I'm the founder, not their babysitter. There's times when I'm not online, and can't watch them 24/7. I'm not taking a org leader responsible if his members break the server rules, I either report them or make a ban request. Also Jazz said it in LOOC, so perhaps he did mug you especially because...