Recent content by Photon

  1. Photon

    when i die u can have my perp inventory

    when i die u can have my perp inventory
  2. Photon

    my bad bro give me another year

    my bad bro give me another year
  3. Photon

    I hate the antichrist

    I hate the antichrist
  4. Photon

    uncle sam is about to have my ass don't worry

    uncle sam is about to have my ass don't worry
  5. Photon

    Pistol shooting

    Guns are pretty fun, you say you live in Sweden so the European gun laws you guys have must be shit, but take what you can get. I live in NYC so our gun laws are absolute dogshit, worse than yours probably. I've gone shooting several times in other states so I'm not in a club. Your brother was...
  6. Photon


  7. Photon

    Take this Autism test.

    oh god oh fuck
  8. Photon

    Aquaa your death was for a noble cause

    This was funny as fuck but he didn't have the right loop xd
  9. Photon

    Siege Tournament

    Message me if you want me on your team, I'm looking for people that are competent with the game and have good aim and map knowledge. I haven't played ranked since Blood Orchid because I didn't have a team afterwards because life got busy, but I reached platinum 3. One thing you should know is...
  10. Photon

    Siege Tournament

    oh naw y'all got martino these guys are already gonna win might as well call off the tournament LMAOOO
  11. Photon

    My lie of Head Moderator

    thank you for your service, soldier you were always a head mod in our eyes nonetheless
  12. Photon

    Your Career Aspirations!

    I want to be a fighter pilot for the USAF when I'm older. Current mainstream jobs such as things like computer/software engineering don't really appeal to me since you're just sedentary most of the time. The thought of living a desk job for my adult life is extremely unappealing. I want to do...
  13. Photon

    Gym routine for a 14 year old

    All these memes about lifting heavy weights and stunting your growth are getting annoying. You don't really need to get into counting calories or take protein supplements right now at such an age, if you wanna do shit like powerlifting programs go right ahead, but you're going to have to take...
  14. Photon

    I'm bored so let me design you a custom guitar.

    well i was gonna play a song by machine head but my high e string snapped so yeet
  15. Photon

    I'm bored so let me design you a custom guitar.

    Name: dont worry about it Age: yeet Favourite musicians: kirk hammer and james fieldhet Features: solid body, bolt on neck, 30 frets, ak-47 inlays, communist flag finish, a single EMG60, 7 strings, 12 gauge strings, locking tuners, floyd rose should be tuned to DROP B