Recent content by R-Flex

  1. R-Flex

    PLPD Montage 2

    These clips are from a long time ago that I never got to upload. Sadly there is no dumb emote anymore. enjoy
  2. R-Flex

    26/06/2020 - Community Photographer Event

    Some pics i had in my screenshot folder, i have edited the names , fps counters and other useless shit
  3. R-Flex roulette

    found @Sorle
  4. R-Flex roulette
  5. R-Flex

    AR on LP7K

    how was he replying if he was offline lol?
  6. R-Flex

    Organisation Update

    you know you can disable the van and kill all the tfu inside with just 1 grenade right?
  7. R-Flex

    Organisation Update

    Ability to buy materials in massive bulks for a cheaper price using the Org bank account Maybe also access to new weapons?
  8. R-Flex

    I've made too many of these.

    PD Training sessions trash PD Point system trash PD too much tryhard and feels like a second job Bans too long People in power ignore players requests and suggestions Server dead
  9. R-Flex

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    All these idiots crying for a refund like the money they spend 3 years ago for marksmanship hasn't paid off. Some of you have been taking advantage of max marksmanship for years yet you complain as if you didn't get any use for your money
  10. R-Flex

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    this looks interesting :)
  11. R-Flex


    Spanish Russian or Chinese are good choices
  12. R-Flex

    Code Monkey

    @Ethan dont throw a grenade maybe? use your few braincells
  13. R-Flex


    This would be a nice approach to the situation if the situation was purely for roleplay. What you can pretty easily see here is that the"Suicide RP" was more of a way for those guys trying to get out of a previous police encounter rather than them roleplaying as someone whos mentally ill. It's...
  14. R-Flex

    [Discussion] Mayoral assassinations

    I like the idea of targeted terrorism towards government buildings etc as long as it doesn't kill players. Though terrorist attacks would be a bit hard and expensive for citizens to perform especially when you have a full server and when the whole of PD is tailing the mayor everywhere he goes.
  15. R-Flex

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    A machine like that will require alot of org funds to purchase lets say like 2mil. Efficiency in materials would only happen if you craft lets say 100 ak-47's. Crafting 1 or 3 aks wouldnt change anything. This would profit crafting orgs or gangs that will be willing to spend lets say 3mil in...