Recent content by Scarlette Corleone

  1. Scarlette Corleone

    Ask our perpheads veterans questions (or come say hi :)

    Little late response but yes racism was godly back then. Now you get a perm ban 》:(
  2. Scarlette Corleone

    Police Suggestion Remove search timer for sgt+

    They should increase it instead ;)
  3. Scarlette Corleone

    V6 WHEN? Im impatient

    V6 is coming guys. They will release it on the same day as GTA 6
  4. Scarlette Corleone

    Perptage 6

    GuYs ITs ClEaRLy EdITeD. JusT SkILl!!
  5. Scarlette Corleone

    What is the best PISTOL in PERPHEADS

    People be sleeping on the p226. That shit slaps fr fr
  6. Scarlette Corleone

    Ask our perpheads veterans questions (or come say hi :)

    2015 was a good time for perp
  7. Scarlette Corleone

    Ask our perpheads veterans questions (or come say hi :)

    Yeah we started playing around the same time. I salute you sir
  8. Scarlette Corleone

    Ask our perpheads veterans questions (or come say hi :)

    You must be from the belinksy's haha. I remember the wars we had with them. That was so much fun
  9. Scarlette Corleone

    Ask our perpheads veterans questions (or come say hi :)

    Alright ill take your word for it
  10. Scarlette Corleone

    Ask our perpheads veterans questions (or come say hi :)

    I used to be I think Peterina Castricum. Then I changed my name at like 2017 to Scarlette Corleone. Whats your Ingame name
  11. Scarlette Corleone


    Respect to you. I've seen you build a beautiful store in the wallmart next to bazaar a couple of times. Did you get a spotlight award for it?
  12. Scarlette Corleone

    Ask our perpheads veterans questions (or come say hi :)

    Hi, I wanted to make this post so that those who joined PH in the past couple years can ask questions. For me I joined back in 2013 and have been playing ever since with some inactive times. There are still some people I remember from the good old days but I seen alot of people have only started...
  13. Scarlette Corleone

    Random cars in car parks

    -1 Altough it would be great for immersion, it will just make people have even lower frame rate
  14. Scarlette Corleone


    Your in-game name: Scarlette Corleone Steam ID: steam_0:1:48259783 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Some guy decided to randomly bomb the store across from me. In the results some of my props got destroyed and a couple of guns. The guns are not in my storage and neither are the props...