Recent content by skin

  1. skin

    Action Request (skin)

    The relevant point is that you call the cops in -> the cops question you -> you give them a tip to check our apartment -> luckily they don't, although they have a valid reason to -> we raid you for revenge. If the admin dealing with this AR thinks it's not obvious enough they can ask me for my...
  2. skin

    Action Request (skin)

    I'm not giving a demo until an admin specifically asks for it, should be evident enough from your own (specifically your dialogue with the cops) that you were giving them directions
  3. skin

    Action Request (skin)

    You can't hear your own voice in demos
  4. skin

    Action Request (skin)

    If I remember correctly you were literally telling them to check our locked (emphasis on locked) apartment for a possible dead body. Did you think the raiders stole the keys off our bodies and then locked the door themselves? edit: and you definitely knew it was locked, the cops tried the door...
  5. skin

    Action Request (skin)

    "Why should this player be punished?: Im in my appartment and hadn't made noise/spoke so they have no idea im there," If you rewind back literally 2 minutes before 11:56 it's blatant that you're talking with the cops lol, why lie about this
  6. skin

    Action Request (skin)

    It would have been in our favour if we hadn't killed the guy, finished him off and dragged his dead body into our apartment. We were pretty sure you knew about who won in the end, and still decided to give the cops pointers.
  7. skin

    Action Request (skin)

    It does not explicitly say in the rules that what we did was wrong. You reported us and told the police to come into our apartment, which would have resulted in us getting 9 years in prison each. Sort of like a revenge thing at that point.
  8. skin

    Action Request (skin)

    You called the police on us as we were getting raided and we literally heard you talk to them for two minutes straight from the floor above us telling them to raid our apartment. After they left we immediately came up to raid you, we 100% knew you were in there. Not sure if this was a basis to...
  9. skin

    Satisfaction - Perpheads Montage
  10. skin

    Satisfaction - Perpheads Montage this is the average aim of a cop the skills displayed in this montage set new profound heights for cop mains
  11. skin

    Satisfaction - Perpheads Montage

    this montage changed my life