Recent content by SlightlyNuclear

  1. SlightlyNuclear

    Role-play Developement

    Why is that? The way i coded it at the moment is when the game starts a hidden process of teamspeak starts up. If another teamspeak is detected it will give a warning in game. If its not a good idea i can start working on a in game codex but i would need another idea in order to reduce...
  2. SlightlyNuclear

    Role-play Developement

    Hey, I have been working on a game based of Arma 3 alits life and arma 3 life. How ever around 3 years ago i used to play PerpHeads and at that time i had a lot of fun. But since then there hasent been many changes apart from map. Also you can tell that the source engine was never made for this...